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Commonly asked Interview Questions

Commonly asked interview questions and how to prepare Attending an interview and answering difficult questions can be a very daunting process, especially when it’s for that dream job that you’ve always striven for! Preparing for your interview and being confident in your answers to questions is very important. We have put together some commonly asked …

Why use Temporary Staff?

Have you ever considered the benefits of using temporary staff? A temporary member of staff is employed on a non-permanent basis. These individuals are employed for a limited period and cannot be employed for more than two years. Temporary staff are crucial to the success of many companies. We have comprised a list of a …

Office Politics – How to Survive

Office Politics With politics everywhere at the moment we are looking at the world of office politics. Every office in the country will have their own stresses, work load, staffing and internal rivalries.  So how do you survive the office politics and make your way to the top without upsetting others on your way? Stay Calm Office …

Can speaking a foreign language improve career options?

All the answers point to yes! Learning a foreign language can only improve your career options, as far as we can see there are no negatives to learning! Lets have a look at how we came to this conclusion: It’s give you an advantage in interviews, as it distinguishes you from other candidates. Pay is …

What to avoid when writing your CV

It is difficult to know what to avoid when writing your CV as the do’s and don’ts’ seems to change all the time. We have compiled a list of things to avoid when writing your cv! Avoid using personal pronouns Your CV should not read like a story. Each line should be concise but also …

The world’s weirdest jobs

Have you ever thought about all the different career paths that you could possibly go down? Well we have a few more career paths for you to add to the list. We have put together a list of the world’s weirdest jobs for your entertainment or even so that you can expand your possible horizons!  …

Working While in Education

Working While in Education   Are you considering working while in education? Although this can be beneficial, it is important to be aware of the difficulties it can bring into your everyday life and to be knowledgeable on how to avoid these problems. So, we’ve written this blog to give you an insight into your …

Offices Workers | What Type Are You?

Office Workers Most office workers are aware that they are full of lots of different personalities, so we’ve decided to break it down into the top 5 different type of people you will find in almost every office! Hopefully you have as much fun reading this as we did writing it !   The Organiser …

Best Job in The World!

Best Jobs in the World Are you looking to find the best job in the world? To help you we have come up with a list of some amazing and unusual professions.  They may not be the easiest to apply for and some of the interviews may be rather strange but the  rewards could be …

Maximising Your LinkedIn Profile pt.2

Maximising your LinkedIn profile pt.2 We’re back again with a part two to our initial blog post on making the most of your LinkedIn profile. You can check Part 1 out here. Last time we covered the benefits of having a LinkedIn profile and gave you some of our top tips, including having full visibility …

Maximising your LinkedIn Profile

Maximising your LinkedIn Profile LinkedIn: what’s it all about, and how do I maximise my LinkedIn profile? Is it even worth having a profile? Today’s blog post hopes to encourage you to set up a LinkedIn profile and give you tips on how to manage it so that you have the best shot at landing …