The GLAA (Gangmasters & Labour Abuse Authority) was set up to protect vunerable and exploited workers. They are governed by a separate board and work in partnership with other organisations. It is also an outlet in which suspicions of exploitation can be reported. They cover issues such as working hours, training, terms and conditions, the national minimum wage and transport – to ensure labour providers meet the basic safety and welfare standards.

If you are an employment agency, labour provider or gangmaster who provides workers to the following sectors, you will need a GLAA licence: Agriculture, Horticulture, Shellfish gathering, Any associated processing and packaging. The licence holder and Principal Authority must be ‘fit and proper’ to hold a licence.

There are very precise requirements to be awarded a licence with the GLAA. The Licensing Standards cover the following subject areas: Fit and Proper Test, Pay and Tax matters, Prevention of Forced Labour and Mistreatment of Workers, Accommodation, Working conditions, Health and Safety, Recruiting Workers and Contractual Arrangements, Sub-Contracting and Using Other Labour Providers. Labour providers must continue to comply with the licensing standards to keep their licence.
It is a criminal offence to supply workers without a licence or use an unlicensed labour provider. You can check the public register to make sure your labour provider is licensed, find out who has had their licence revoked and see the results of appeals and prosecutions.

Earl Street Recruitment are very pleased to have been awarded a GLAA licence (GLAA licensed. Licence number: EARL0002.).
As a recruitment agency, by having this licence we can ensure that workers receive fair treatment, the pay, benefits and conditions they are entitled to; Labour providers are not undercut by those who pay less than the minimum wage or avoid tax. Industry standards are raised; Consumers can be assured that their food has been picked and packed in an ethical environment. Illegal activities which lead to a loss of public revenue – income tax, VAT and NI – are reduced.
For more information on GLAA please click here to go to their website.
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