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Red Nose Day – Earlstreet Employment Consultants


Red Nose Day- Comic Relief
Jobs Maidstone | Earlstreet Employment Consultants | Red Nose Day

Red Nose Day / Comic Relief

Red Nose Day or Comic Relief is Friday the 24th of March.  The popular day will see fundraising events taking place across the country to help tackle poverty and injustice in the UK and Africa. The 5 issues this Red Nose Day is specifically focused on are: Immunisation, Mental Health, Vulnerable Young People, Domestic Violence and Fighting Malaria.


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Many company’s or organisations would like to take part in this fantastic day but just don’t know where to start.  However, it’s not too late!  There are Fundraising Kits available to download on the website:  These handy kits give ideas for every kind of fundraising scenario.  From nursery to bake sales and general ideas to help you raise funds.


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If you don’t have time to organise a fundraising event then there are other ways in which you can donate.  Online donations are the easiest, convenient way to donate through the website.  Buying your red nose for the day from the stores that supply them (Sainsbury’s, TK Maxx and Oxfam), will also add to your contribution.  What sets this day aside from other charity events is in the word FUNdraising!  A fun way of donating this year is the swear jar app.  You simply download it to your phone and through Google voice recognition it identifies every time you use a swear word and charges you a donation of 20p.  Will you be owing Comic Relief a lot of donations through the swear app?!

Enjoy Red Nose Day 2017 and have fun!

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