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Top tips for interview success | Earl Street Employment Consultants


We all know the importance of swatting up on a company prior to an interview and making sure you are prepared with sensible answers to all the common questions you may be asked. However, have you taken the time to consider how to present yourself? From your entrance, to what you do with your hands, the interviewer will notice your body language and make strong assumptions based on it.

So, here are our top tips on how to present yourself in the best possible way:

Eye Contact

This is really important for showing the interviewer that you are interested. If you avoid eye contact, you can appear bored and even rude, so try to face forward and maintain eye contact, especially when the interviewer is speaking.

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Plaster a smile on your face from the moment you walk in to show the interviewer that you are happy to be there, and enthusiastic about the job. Smiles instantly make the other person feel that you are confident and interested.

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Keep your hands still

Are you prone to fiddling in uncomfortable situations? If so its a good idea to place your hands together in your lap during an interview when you can. Twirling your hair or fiddling with jewellery can give away to the interviewer that you are nervous, or even bored.

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Always accept water

For many of us, the instinct is to decline, so as not to put the interviewer to any bother. However, graciously accepting can show that you are comfortable in the environment. Furthermore, you may well need it after an hour of talking… Just try not to spill it!!

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Arrive with an interview tool kit

Make sure your bag contains a note pad and pen, a copy of your CV, tissues and water. That way you will feel organised, thus more confident and will avoid getting flustered when you need one of these essentials.

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Perfect your handshake

A bad handshake makes more of a negative impression than you may think. Keep it brief, firm, and friendly.

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Arrive a few minutes early

This may seem obvious, but being punctual will make a very good first impression without you even trying. Plan your route and allow extra time. That way you will impress your interviewer, and not be flustered when you arrive.

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Remember, always think about how you look in the interviewers eyes. Good luck!

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